Fitness Boosting Foods and Nutrients

There is no getting around your diet if achieving maximum fitness is your goal. That’s correct, being fit isn’t only about creating the perfect workout schedule; a good regimen can easily go horribly wrong depending on your food.

It might be quite helpful to know which foods and certain nutrients complement your fitness objectives the most effectively.

To start with, remember that while cooking from scratch with fresh, unprocessed ingredients is unquestionably necessary if you want to enhance your health, pre-packaged, processed foods may be convenient.

Nutrients are often denatured during processing, resulting in a much less potent product than the original.

Foods that Promote Fitness and Beneficial Supplements

Eight of my top recommendations for the “most useful fitness meals” will be discussed here, and another 20 are listed in the main piece in Men’s Fitness magazine. But, several of their choices, including pasteurized milk and yoghurt, non-fermented soyproducts, and whole wheat bread, don’t sit well with me. Check out the provided hyperlinks to learn more about why.

The next eight, on the other hand, are what I consider to be some of the most beneficial in terms of promoting your health and fitness in general. You’ll be off to a fantastic start if you try to include as many of these foods in your diet on a daily or weekly basis. Remember that everything on this list ought to be organic and, if at all feasible, wild or grass-fed.

If you’re like the majority of people, many athletes included, you probably consume too much carbohydrates. The biochemical requirement for sugar in your body is relatively minimal. Also, your body converts excess food into fat when you eat more than you need.

Keep in mind that eating too many carbohydrates makes you fat, not consuming healthy fats (sugar). So, the majority of the foods on my list are healthy fats, which you should replace the lost carbohydrates with for energy, coupled with high-quality proteins and a few key nutrients that are very helpful for improving athletic performance.

The first step in modifying your diet is to eliminate as much sugar/fructose and grain-carbs as you can, and replace them with healthy fats and a reasonable amount of high-quality protein. Keep in mind that you cannot exercise your way out of a poor diet.

#1 Fresh, Whole Avocado

The fruit known as an avocado is high in monounsaturated fat, which can be quickly converted into energy. As I’ve previously stated, cutting back on grains is one of the best strategies to support your health and maintain your weight, but you also need to consume more healthy fats when you do so. Avocados, organic raw butter, coconut oil, and organic pastured eggs are just a few examples of excellent sources.

An ideal source of fuel for prolonged energy throughout an exercise is healthy fat. For most people, it’s much better than carbo-loading. Before and after a workout, I’ve previously written on the significance of avoiding fructose and wheat because they will counteract many of the advantages of exercise.

This is especially true if you engage in vigorous exercise, which will increase the amount of human growth hormone produced by your body (HGH). Carbohydrate consumption within a few hours of or just after such activity will effectively stop the production of HGH.

Additionally, there is data that suggests restricting your protein intake may be beneficial for long-term health and cancer prevention. The majority of people consume far too much protein that is of poor quality, such as beef and products from animals grown in confined animal feeding facilities (CAFOs). Again, if you reduce your protein intake, you must make up the calories you lose with healthy fats like those found in avocados, coconut oil, olives, olive oil, butter, and nuts.

#2: Natural Coconut Oil

The highest source of healthy medium-chain fatty acids (MCFAs) in nature is coconut oil, which your body delivers directly to your liver to use as fuel.

1 This makes coconut oil a potent source of quick energy for your body, a role that is often filled by simple carbohydrates in the diet. Several studies have demonstrated that MCFAs increase insulin sensitivity and glucose tolerance while also encouraging weight loss2. Moreover, studies have shown that coconut oil boosts thyroid activity as a result of its advantageous metabolic effects. One of the causes of some people’s inability to lose weight despite their best efforts is a slow thyroid.

Lauric acid, a fat that is only sometimes found in nature but that may easily be considered a “wonder” element due to its special health-promoting qualities, makes up half of the fat in coconut oil. Lauric acid is transformed by your body into monolaurin, which, among other things, has antiviral, antibacterial, and anti-protozoa capabilities.

You can include raw organic coconut oil into coffee, smoothies, and green juices (in lieu of sugar). Also, it is the best option for all kinds of cookery. It is the only oil that is stable enough to withstand minor heat-related damage. Use coconut oil instead of butter, olive oil, vegetable oil, margarine, or any other type of oil recommended in recipes whenever you need to cook or bake.

#3: Wild salmon from Alaska

The vital animal-based omega-3 fatty acids (EPA and DHA), high-quality protein, astaxanthin, and other antioxidants—all crucial nutrients for physical fitness—are all present in abundance in wild Alaskan salmon. I have diligently discouraged people from eating most fish over the past few years because almost all seafood now has dangerously high levels of mercury and other hazardous pollutants. Fish in general would be among my top recommendations for foods due to their exceptional nutritional benefits, including high levels of omega-3 with DHA and EPA, which the majority of people are sorely lacking in their diets. However, the health risks posed by this contamination prevent me from making this recommendation.

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